Episode #5: God, The Master Artist, Who Paints A Way | Heather Patterson & Kristin Wyatt

God, The Master Artist, Who Paints A Way: Episode #5 with Kristin McCaslin Wyatt - Blood, Sweat and Tears Podcast
Blood, Sweat & Tears with Heather Patterson
Episode #5: God, The Master Artist, Who Paints A Way | Heather Patterson & Kristin Wyatt

Join Heather and her beautifully talented friend, Kristin Wyatt, as Kristin shares how art has become her testimony and witness of God’s faithfulness. A life molded with grace and patterned by faith, Kristin shares how she overcame a difficult and unforeseen divorce, survived becoming a single mother of three (3), and, ultimately, took the healing gifts of art and the LORD to places she would have never dreamed. You absolutely don’t want to miss this inspirational episode!

As you listen, ask yourself: Is there something that God has been telling you to do, but you’ve been too scared to move forward with? Is there something that you feel God is telling you, but you aren’t sure what it means and if it means anything at all? Is there something that you know you should be doing, but you haven’t moved forward in faith with the confidence that God will make a way? If you answered, “Yes” to any of the aforementioned, spend time in prayer asking God to make His all-knowing voice clear. Ask God to feed your faith with His strength and fill you with the peace of certainty that He will provide.

Want more from Kristin? Catch her beautifully whimsical spirit and her God-given creativity on Instagram @kbmccaslin. And just for fun, take a quick read of the news clip mentioned in today’s episode at https://www.kark.com/news/local-news/faith-matters-kristin-mccaslin-art/

Connect with Heather: [email protected]

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/bsandtpodcast/

Production by Clanton Creative • www.clantoncreative.com

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